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Solution: Clear Cache in eZ Publish


How to clear cache using eZ Publish 4


Use the website administration interphase to clear all cache via a gui.

  1. Simply navigate to Setup tab
  2. Click the clear cache icon
  3. Refresh browser window of website

Command line

If you know how to use the command line you can use it to clear cache.


If you are using a complete unix like operating system you can use the following command to clear and purge all cache within eZ Publish.



If you are using Windows you can use the following command to clear and purge all cache within eZ Publish.


Siteaccess Specific

If you are working on a multi-siteaccess website, the specific siteaccess must be appended to the clear cache code.



If you are unable to use the administration gui or command line to clear cache, you can still remove the cache files manually.


Specific: Clearing image alias cache

If you are unable to use the administration gui you can use this command line to clear this specific combination / type of cache.


The above example commands suggested in the forum.


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