Table of contents:
The adminalphabetical extension contains some modified templates for the eZ publish admin interface. In these templates, the google-like navigation is replaced with a navigation based on the Latin alphabet. This makes it easier to step through a large amount of nodes which are typically sorted by name, e.g. a list of users.
adminalphabetical is copyright © 2006 SCK•CEN and is distributed under the GNU GPL.
It was written by Kristof Coomans.
A live demo will be available soon.
adminalphabetical is compatible with the following versions of eZ publish:
You can download this extension from it's contribution page on
Follow the steps described in the eZ publish technical manual to extract and activate the extension.
Now make template overrides for the specific nodes where you want to have alphabetical navigation.
An example for a node with id 100:
[browse_node_100] Source=content/browse.tpl MatchFile=content/browse_alphabetical.tpl Subdir=templates Match[node]=100 [children_node_100] Source=children.tpl MatchFile=children_alphabetical.tpl Subdir=templates Match[node]=100
During the development of adminalphabetical, bug 8140 was discovered. Due to this bug, the override for the browse template doesn't work on eZ publish versions prior to 3.7.6.
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