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Learning: What eZ publish is good for?

What eZ publish does well is provide a solid, reliable framework that will meet the needs of the majority of content management needs. In particular, it is ideal for standards based sites that require strict adherence to xhtml/css standards. As clients only deal with the content, it is easy to ensure that the site remains standards compliant.

The fact that it is backed by eZ systems means that as an offering, it’s likely to be around for a long time. Since it was first released, eZ publish has grown significantly in functionality and now has a strong community and user base providing a stability that provides confidence for both user and developer alike.

There are thousands of examples of eZ publish worldwide and a growing partner network that anyone thinking of using eZ publish aren’t on their own. Unlike other open source solutions where you often have to rely on your own abilities to work things out, there are plenty of resources to provide support and assistance should you need it. Naturally, such support isn’t free but the fact that the system is licence free helps to offset and costs associated with support.

Where eZ publish really shines is in it’s clean separation of layers meaning that as a developer, you can focus on only customising the areas that are unique for your project rather than having to start from scratch. The idea of managing exceptions, the areas that need to be different means energy is put into the areas of greatest value, the core work has already been done. Put simply, you don’t have to re-invent the wheel.

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