eZXML | DOMDocument | Remarks |
$xml = new eZXML() |
$dom = new DOMDocument() |
there were some extra options which we need to check, like character set conversion |
eZDOMDocument | DOMDocument | Remarks |
->create_element( $name [, $attributes] ) |
$element = $dom->createElement( $name ) |
->createElementNode( $name [, $attributes] ) |
$element = $dom->createElement( $name ) |
->createElementTextNode( $name, $text [, $attributes] ) |
$element = $dom->createElement( $name ) |
->dump_mem() |
->saveXML() |
->elementsByNameNS( $name, $namespaceURI ) |
->getElementsByTagNameNS( $namespaceURI, $name ) |
can be called on each DOMNode, not only on a DOMDocument |
->get_root() |
->documentElement |
property |
->Root |
->documentElement |
property |
->root() |
->documentElement |
property |
->setRoot( $element ) |
->appendChild( $element ) |
->toString() |
->saveXML() |
eZDOMNode | DOMNode and subclasses | Remarks |
->append_child( $node ) |
->appendChild( $node ) |
->attributeCount() |
->attributes->length |
see below |
->attributes() |
->attributes |
property, returns DOMNamedNodeMap instead of array now, use $attributes->length property instead of count( $attributes ), see above |
->attributeValue( $name ) |
->getAttribute( $name ) |
->attributeValueNS( $name, $namespaceURI ) |
->getAttributeNS( $namespaceURI, $name ) |
pay attention to the changed order of the function arguments |
->Children |
->childNodes |
property, returns DOMNodeList instead of array now, use $children->length property instead of count( $children ) |
->children() |
->childNodes |
see above |
->childrenCount() |
->childNodes->length |
->content() |
->textContent |
property |
->dump_mem() |
$element->ownerDocument->saveXML( $element ) |
$element->dump_mem() |
$element->ownerDocument->saveXML( $element) |
->elementAttributeValueByName( $name, $attributeName ) |
$firstElement = $element->getElementsByTagName( $name )->item( 0 ) |
->elementByName( $name ) |
->getElementsByTagName( $name )->item( 0 ) |
->elementChildrenByName( $name ) |
$firstElement = $element->getElementsByTagName( $name )->item( 0 ) |
->first_child() |
->firstChild |
property |
->firstChild() |
->firstChild |
property |
->firstElementByName( $name ) |
->getElementsByTagName( $name )->item( 0 ) |
see elementByName |
->get_attribute( $name ) |
->getAttribute( $name ) |
->get_elements_by_tagname( $name ) |
->getElementsByTagName( $name ) |
Returns all descendant elements with the name $name, not only direct children. To get only direct children with the name $name, use DOMXPath or loop over ->childNodes |
->hasChildren() |
->hasChildNodes() |
->lastChild() |
->lastChild |
property |
->localName() |
->localName |
property |
->name() |
->localName |
property |
->namespaceURI() |
->namespaceURI |
property |
->nextSibling() |
->nextSibling |
property |
->node_value() |
->nodeValue |
property |
->parentNode() |
->parentNode |
property |
->prefix(), ->setPrefix( $prefix ) |
->prefix |
writable property |
->previousSibling() |
->previousSibling |
property |
->remove_attribute( $name ) |
->removeAttribute( $name ) |
->set_attribute( $name, $value ) |
->setAttribute( $name, $value ) |
->textContent() |
->textContent |
property |
$element->toString() |
$element->ownerDocument->saveXML( $element) |
->type() |
->nodeType |
The DOMElement::insertBefore function returns the appended node, and you should use it! Otherwise you can get unexpected results or uncaught exceptions (like DOMException with message "Not Found Error").
When looping over the DOMElement::childNodes property, you can not remove or move any of the existing children, or insert new one. This will cause the property to change and your loop will apparently skip certain children or handle certain children twice. Instead of looping directly over childNodes, you can first make an array containing the children and loop over that array to make your modifications. In case you only want to remove certain items, looping over childNodes in reverse order (from the last one to the first one) is a solution as well.
The same applies to the DOMElement::attributes property.
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