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Learning: eZ Development Standards and Guidelines


Please comply to the following standards when writing code for eZ Publish:


eZ * is an automated solution that ensures that an eZ Publish installation (or a solution based on eZ Publish) is up-to-date and stable.

  1. This is ensured by providing regular updates and constant monitoring of systems status.
  2. Modifications and extensions to eZ Publish must adhere to certain standards in order to be certified to work with the eZ *.
  3. This document describes those standards and provides guidelines for making custom modifications to eZ Publish, with an emphasis on extension development.
  4. To understand and implement these guidelines, you must be an experienced PHP developer with at least intermediate experience with eZ Publish.

From: eZ Development Guidelines

eZ Network Development Guidelines (PDF)

Article provided by eZpedia

All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License

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