eZpedia : The Free eZ Publish CMS Documentation Encyclopedia

Learning: Directory Structure


Contains a range of scripts that can be run from the command line to perform tasks that can’t be done via the administration interface or are quicker via the command line

Eg. clearing the cache, verifying files, subtree move / copy, creating a static cache, checking templates…etc


All files to do with the look and feel of the site are stored in the design directory. These include:

  • stand & custom template files
  • stylesheets
  • images


Contains documentation such as change logs, explanation of features & functions, standards…etc


This is the core eZ publish code – you should avoid touching this as any changes you make to the core will made future upgrades far more difficult.


The kernel relies on a series of libraries that are stored in this directory. The libaries cover a range of functions dealing with the database, images, webdav, xml…etc


Settings are stored in a number of configuration files (ini files). The standard settings should never be modified, the use of overrides alongs you to adjust the system to your needs.

The use of settings files is extensive and provides a great deal of control over the system.


This is where the static configuration files are stored.


This is where cached files, images and files are stored. eZ publish stores references to images and files in the database and stores the actual content in a directory. This helps to improve performance rather than storing binary files within the database.

Article provided by eZpedia

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