Table of contents:
Follow these instructions to install the eZ publish community documentation solution.
You can download a tarball of the storage directory here. Put it in the directory var/plain_site.
See "about this wiki" for a complete list, including the right versions.
The eZpedia subversion repository is divided intro different branches.
The branches contain the following directories:
Configure your public site accesses to use the wiki design.
In the directory extension/wikidesign/install you will find a file override.ini.append.php containing all necessary override rules.
Configure your public site accesses to use the default wiki theme.
Place these settings in design.ini.append.php of your public site accesses:
Load the eZpedia mirror database data into your database. You may need to create a database and user first. Example: ezpedia_mirror
Be certain to backup and empty this database first as this sql will drop tables first. The eZpublish admin password is set in the sql to the default eZ publish admin password.
Important: place the changelog extension after the wikidesign extension in site.ini.append.php [ExtensionSettings] ActiveExtensions[], otherwise the diff_changelog.tpl template will be loaded from the changelog extension instead of the wikidesign extension.
You can download a stripped version of eZpedia's settings here. Make sure you fill in the following settings according to your setup:
Replace "" with the url to your installation:
Add your mirror to our list of mirrors
Article provided by eZpedia
All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License
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