eZpedia : The Free eZ Publish CMS Documentation Encyclopedia

Coding standards


About software coding standards


Enforcing a software coding convention is a recommended best prance

What convention should I use?

The answer is simple. It's your choice. Your free to choose.

Yet it is strongly recommended that you follow the recommended convention.

If you are creating an ezpublish extension / site use the ezpublish conventions as they are directly applicable.

However if you are creating an zetacomponent ezcomponent itself you will want to use the zetacomponents / ezcomponents conventions as they are directly applicable.

eZ Publish

eZ publish has it's own coding standard convention. This convention has evolved over time but the documentation regarding these improved methodologies.

Please note that eZ Publish coding standards were created before the introduction of the PSR / PSR2 code conventions for PHP and should be used instead of PSR.

Zeta Components

Zeta Components also has it's own coding standard convention 

eZ Components

eZ Components also has it's own coding standard convention

External references

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