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Advanced search


eZ publish provides an advanced search module view which can be customized in many flexible ways.

The advance search module path is '/content/advancedsearch'. To use this module build an HTML form with pre-defined POST variables.

List of POST variables accepted:

  • "SearchText" - usually a text input field to allow to enter the search terms.
  • "PhraseSearchText" - usually a text input field that matches an exact search phrase.
  • "SearchContentClassID" - Limit the search result to specific content classes. Use "-1" for all content classes. Sometimes a drop down option list.
  • "SearchContentClassAttributeID" - Limit the search result to specific content class attributes.
  • "SearchDate" - Limit the search results to after specified date. Use "-1" for date.
  • "SearchTimestamp" - Limit the search results to after specified timestamp.
  • "SearchSectionID" - Limit the search results to a specific section. Use "-1" for all sections.
  • "SubTreeArray" - Limit the search results to specific array of subtrees.
  • "SearchPageLimit" - Limit the search results displayed by convention. Often a hidden variable. Here is an example of the convention.
function pageLimit( $searchPageLimit )
    switch ( $searchPageLimit )
        case 1:
            return 5;

        case 2:
            return 10;

        case 3:
            return 20;

        case 4:
            return 30;

        case 5:
            return 50;


There are more POST variables that the advanced search understands. Review the search module view for additional variables.


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